The COUCHSURFER is a collaborative live format by Opus and BigFM in the Stuttgart SpardaWelt Event Center, with the support of Sparda-Bank Baden-Württemberg, big names are presented up close and personal. We first bring the artists to the couch and then onto the stage. This is how the idea works, allowing you to experience a star up close. Some of the artists who have already sat on the couch include Clueso, Mark Foster, Lena, Rea Garvey, and Milky Chance.
The COUCHSURFER is a collaborative live format by OPUS and BigF. In the Stuttgart SpardaWelt Event Center, with the support of Sparda-Bank Baden-Württemberg, big names are presented up close and personal. We first bring the artists to the couch and then onto the stage. This is how the idea works, allowing you to experience a star up close. Some of the artists who have already sat on the couch include Clueso, Mark Foster, Lena, Rea Garvey, and Milky Chance.